Merry Christmas We wish all of you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Spend a good time with your beloved ones and have a great winter vacation. There will be more of us next year with some great events. |
Bye bye, X We say bye bye to X (formerly known as Twitter). Time has come to let it go. |
Happy new year and project We wish you all a happy new year 2025! |
PDE Seminar: Serge Nicaise We are happy to welcome our colleague and collaborator Serge Nicaise this week as a guest at KIT. On Thursday he will give a talk in the Karlsruhe PDE Seminar series. Details of his talk |
Speakers retreat Recently, Marlis and Wolfgang have been in Bad Herrenalb to prepare different future events and undertakings regarding this CRC. This concerns, for example, the upcoming annual meeting and the diversity project. |
Project ATHENS: ERC Synergy Grant Congratulations to Christian Koos, Stefan Bräse, and their collaborators. Their common project ATHENS will get funded by the ERC with a Synergy Grant over a period of six years and a funding volume of 14 million Euros. The goal is to make optical communication systems more powerful and energy efficient. To the press release (only in German) |
Hockenheimringlauf Six runnners of the waves@KIT team took part at the main run over 10km of the 27th Hockenheimringlauf. They all reached the finish line within 40 to 51 minutes. Results of the 10km race |
Start of RTG lecture series On next Monday the RTG lecture series will start. Marvin Knöller will give the first three lectures about Convolution Quadrature in Acoustic Obstacle Scattering. For upcoming speakers and more detials follw the link below. Overview |
iRTG Retreat 2024 The Bernhäuser Forst Tageszentrum has been this year's lodging of the iRTG retreat. A group of sixteen colleagues visited this place, held presentations, had fruitful discussions, and spent a good time together. |
Time Integration of PDEs This year's edition of the annual workshop Time Integration of PDEs will be in Bad Herrenalb. More than 20 people will be there and exchange scientific ideas about the topic. To the workshop's webpage |
PhD Prize 2024 GIP Marvin Knöller has been awarded the 2024 PhD prize of the Gesellschaft für Inverse Probleme (GIP) at this years annual meeting of the GIP in Siegen. This is a biennial prize honoring the best PhD thesis in the field of Inverse Problems in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. To the meeting's webpage |
Computing in Cardiology 2024 This week, Cinc2024 is taking place in Karlsruhe with around 1,200 participants. It was organized by Axel Loewe and his colleagues from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, among others. To the conference's webpage |
Workhop Dynamical Systems Approaches towards Nonlinear PDEs CRC delegation congratulates CRC PI Prof. Dr. Guido Schneider to his 60th birthday and participates in the workshop Dynamical Systems Approaches towards Nonlinear PDEs in Stuttgart on this occasion. To the workshop's webpage |
Junior Research Group Leader Once again we are offering a junior research group leader position. This time in the field of Numerical Analysis which includes Inverse Problems. Take a look into the job advertisement. Come and join us! To the job offers |
XLIV Dynamic Days Europe The 44th edition of the Dynamic Days Europe is held in Bremen this year. Some of our colleagues from the Institute of Analysis are on-site. Dynamic Days Europe |
SciCADE 2024 This week the SciCADE is held in Singapore. Some of us also represent the CRC there. Gianluca Ceruti, a former CRC colleague, has been awarded the New Talent Award. What a great success! Congratulations, Gianluca. To the conference's webpage |
Start of diversity project 2.0 A group of ten people of our CRC took part in the initial workshop of our diversity project 2.0. CJ Fitzsimons moderated it very well and we feel well-equipped to go on. The first step is taken. |
Wow! 3rd place! What a great success for the waves@KIT team at the 10th KIT Meisterschaft. The four best individual times of a team were added up and we placed 3rd out of 49 teams. To the team results |
Greetings from Berlin Here you see a nice group shot of our delegation visiting the Waves conference in Berlin. Included are two former colleagues and one who is no longer in active service. To the conference's webpage |
Mathematics of Wave Phenomena In February of 2025 there will be our next Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena. Register yourself and visit us in Karlsruhe. We are looking forward to meet you in person. To the conference's webpage |
PostDoc positions
Waves 2024 This year's edition of the Waves conference is being held in Berlin. Our CRC is represented by almost 20 people of us. The program is quite comprehensive. To the conference's webpage |
Inaugural lectures Next week on Wednesday there will be two inaugural lectures by JProf. Manuel Krannich and JProf. Roland Maier in the afternoon. Especially, we want here to feature the last one since Roland is a member of the CRC. Further information |
CRC Workshop On this week's Friday starting at 2 p.m. will be the workshop Numerics, Dynamics & Physics with these prestigious speakers: Kurt Busch, Caroline Lasser, and Christian Lubich. Further information |
Junior Research Group Leader We are seeking to recruit an Junior Research Group Leader in Analysis of Partial Differential Equations. Check the advertisement to see if the position fits your current academic career level.. To the advertisement |
Elite Network of Bavaria Congratulation to Marlis Hochbruck. In May 2024 the Elite Network of Bavaria appointed her as a member of the International Commission. The Commission advises the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts. Further information |
10. KIT Meisterschaft 2024 On Saturday, July 13th there will be the 10th 10km KIT Championship in running. The registration deadline is Wednesday, July 10th or when the participant limit of 800 runners is reached. The CRC will be represented by the team waves@KIT. To the announcement |
KIT Associate Fellow We cordially congratulate Benjamin Dörich. He has been awarded the KIT Associate Fellow status. This means he is allowed to adequately participate in doctoral procedures. Additionally, he now is a junior research group leader. KIT Associate Fellow |
Badische Meile A bunch of people working for the CRC participated in the annual running events Badische Meile. They were all quiet fast. Congratulations! To the event's webpage |
ERC Project: New Frontiers in Optimal Adaptivity Congratulations to our colleague Michael Feischl who has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant 2023. The project is called New Frontiers in Optimal Adaptivity and it will start this year in June. We wish him and his project a bright future. Project description at TU Vienna |
Lectures of the summer term Please have a look at the current course offering related to topics of the CRC. Course offering |
Oberwolfach Workshop Next week there will be the Oberwolfach Workshop Nonlinear Optics: Physics, Analysis, and Numerics. Marlis Hochbruck is involved in the organization together with Kurt Busch and Houghton Ramy El-Ganainy. To the workshop |
Workshop PDEs, Calculus of Variations, and Applications The workshop organized by the Institute for Analysis is in honor of Prof. Dr. Catherine Bandle to celebrate her manifold contributions to the analysis of PDEs and her 80th birthday. Further information |
KHYS Research Travel Grants Congratulation to our young researchers Louis Garénaux and Benjamin Dörich for their successful applications for KHYS Research Travel Grants. Louis will go to Leiden and Benjamin to Zurich this summer. KHYS Research Travel Grants |
Workshop in honor of Michael Plum A workshop for Michael Plum will be held this week in honor of his rich contributions to the analysis of PDEs and to the field of computer assisted proofs. Further information |
Annual meeting 2024 In four weeks we will be in Bad Herrenalb. It is the seventh annual meeting of our CRC. More information is available on the webpage we have set up. Event's webpage |
Congratulations to Maria Paszkiewicz-Idzik Our colleague Maria Paszkiewicz-Idzik won the Annual Shirt Competition 2023 with her hand-drawn KIT-Logo. In the image above you see the fan as a detail. The t-shirt is available. To the competition |
Management retreat The CRC's management will be on a retreat for two days (January 29th-30th) in Bad Herrenalb. Preparations for the upcoming annual meeting and planning for the year ahead. |
Postdoc position in Bonn Our colleague Barbara Verfürth at the University Bonn offers an 100% postdoc position in the field of numerical analysis within the CRC. We are happy to receive your application. To the job offer |
Interview evening On Wednesday there will be our sixth interview evening. Two alumni, Andreas Sturm and Piotr Idzik, talk about their careers after their time at the university. |
Happy New Year May the new year be prosperous for you in all your activities, help you achieve your objectives, and you experience ongoing success in your pursuits. Happy New Year 2024! |
Season's greetings A successful year for the CRC is coming to an end. We wish everyone out there happy holidays and a good transition into the New Year 2024. |
Christmas party This Thursday there will be the CRC Christmas party. You may also call it more generally winter party because there will be no religious customs. |
CRC Prizes 2023 This year's CRC Prizes has been awarded to James Andrew King for his Bachelor's thesis and to Julian Dörner for his Master's thesis. |
Successful habilitation We cordially congratulate Christian Zillinger to his recent achievement. He successfully completed his habilitation process. |
Atlantic Conference in Nonlinear PDEs, Lisbon A delegation from our analysis ranks attended the Atlantic Conference in Nonlinear PDEs at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. They had a great time there. Conference website |
Zentimetergenaue Lokalisierung durch KI There is a podcast worth listening to. It is called Zentimetergenaue Lokalisierung durch Künstliche Intelligenz and is unfortunately only available in German. To the podcast |
Lectures of the winter term The page with the course offering related to the CRC has been updated for the winter term. Have a look into this. To the course offering |
Time Integration of PDEs This year's annual workshop Time Integration of PDEs takes place in Hirschegg, Austria, once again. The weather forecast is really great as well as the program. To the event's webpage |
MathSEE Best Poster Awards Our postdoc Annalena Albicker has been awarded one of the two Best-Poster-Awards at the MathSEE Symposium. Christopher Bülte got the other one. Congratulations to both! |
MATHSEE Symposium Tomorrow will start the Symposium of the KIT Centre Mathematics in Science, Engineering and Economics (short MATHSEE) at KIT. Event's webpage |
Impressions of our kick-off event Last Thursday we had our kick off event and it was all just fantastic; be it the speakers, the audience, the guests, the food or the weather. We have added some impressions at the end of the event's webpage. Event's webpage |
Kick-off 3rd funding period This Thursday our kick-off event will take place. For the scientific part we have invited three excellent speakers. Afterwards there will be a dinner. We are happy that a large number of former colleagues will join this event. Further participation is by registration only. Event's webpage |
Reelection On June 15th have been the reelections of the CRC's spokespersons and also of the CRC's executive committee. There are no changes on these positions. Congratulations to all officeholders! Executive committee |
Certificate of appointment Today, Roland Maier received his certificate of appointment from the KIT President Holger Hanselka. He will start his W1 professorship tomorrow on July 1st. Congratulations, Roland! |
Doctoral and Postdoc Researcher positions Come and join us! |
Congratulations Once again, congratulations to Christian Koos and his group for receiving the ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant Award for their project TeraGEAR. Well done! To the ERC press release |
Thumbs up! We have lately received tremendous good news. The DFG will continue to fund our CRC for the next four years. We are very proud of this achievement and eager to carry on our work. DFG press release |
Jugend forscht Three special prizes comprising a visit to our CRC have been awarded to the winners of the Jugend forscht-competition of the state of Baden-Württemberg. On Monday there will be a preparatory online meeting with the winners. Federal state winners |
PDE Seminar: Rüland We are happy that Angkana Rüland from the University of Bonn accepted our invitation to Karlsruhe. She will give her PDE seminar talk On the fractional Calderon problem on Thursday at 14:00. Details of the talk |
Mathematik schlägt Wellen During this summer term we provide the taster course Mathematik schlägt Wellen. High school students are introduced to the necessary mathematical basics in order to get a glimpse of mathematical waves. To the webpage |
iRTG Workshop Due to the recent onsite review our annual meeting has been replaced by an iRTG workshop. It has been a great time in Bad Herrenalb again. To the schedule |
Published book We are happy that our new book Wave phenomena has been finally published in the Oberwolfach Seminars series. Have a look at Springer |
Summer courses The page of lectures and other courses has been updated. Have a look into the offer for the upcoming summer term. To the overview of courses |
Workshop on Analysis of PDEs This week there is a workshop on Analysis of PDEs in Karlsruhe which is organized by our member Xian Liao. Have a look on the event's webpage. To the event's webpage |
Pi Day and the review We wish a happy Pi Day! We have no much time to celebrate. On the next two days there will be the review of our CRC. We are good to go! |
SIAM 2023 Amsterdam This week are some of us (Marlis, Daniel, Stefan, Niklas, and Lukas) in Amsterdam at the SIAM 2023 Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. Meet them there. Webpage of SIAM 2023 |
PDE Seminar: Sebastian Herr The first talk of 2023 within the Kalrsruhe PDE Seminar will be held by Sebastian Herr. His talk is about Global wellposedness of the Zakharov System below the ground state. To his personal webpage |
Bastian Hilder This week's guest ist Bastian Hilder from the Lund University, Sweden. He will give a talk in our CRC seminar about Invading fronts in pattern-forming systems admitting a conservation law structure. To his webpage |
Nick Trefethen We are happy to welcome Nick Trefethen on Thursday in Karlsruhe. He will give two presentations; one will be an introduction to Chebfun and the other one about Applications of AAA Rational Approximation. To his personal webpage |
Retreat of the team The team will meet next Friday to make strategic plans. There are also preparations and arrangements to be made for the on-site review in March. |
Submission of the proposal On Tuesday, January 17th, we submitted the continuation proposal in person to the DFG in Bonn. We are relieved to have achieved this important interim goal. |
Happy New Year 2023 We wish you all a great start into 2023. While we are working hard to finish our continuation proposal we are also looking forward to exciting research and many inspiring events this year. |
Merry Christmas We wish you all a Merry Christmas. Have a great time with your loved ones, be it family or friends. Take a break from everyday life and enjoy your time. |
Scientific Advisory Board Marlis Hochbruck is appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach for four years starting January 1st, 2023. Congratulations! MFO website |
Retreat of the spokespersons Both spokespersons are going on a retreat on upcoming Friday. You're simply more productive if you can concentrate on the things that are currently essential, away from the day-to-day business. |
26th German Conference of Women in Physics Starting on Thursday there will be the 26th German Conference of Women in Physics at KIT. You can participate at least to some parts of the program without being registered. Come and join! Female pupils program |
KIT Associate Fellows Björn de Rijk and Christian Zillinger have reached the status "KIT Associate Fellows". This implies that they can be examiners in the doctoral procedure of their own doctoral candidates. Congratulations, again! Details of KIT Associate Fellows |
Tag der RMU Marlis was invited to give the keynote speech at the Tag der Rhein-Main-Universitäten. This year, the focus was in particular on scientists in the early stages of their careers and the so-called academic mid-level faculty. Further information |
Start of lectures We wish everyone a good start to the lecture period and a successful completion of their courses. List of lectures |
Workshop Time Integration of PDEs This year's edition of the workshop Time Integration of PDEs from 19th to 21st of October is located in Rastatt (St. Bernhard). Over 20 affiliates including students of the CRC will present their current research/work. To the event's webpage |
Winter semester lectures We have updated the list of lectures related to the topics of the CRC. Take a look at our offer. List of lectures |
Women in PDEs Next week we will host this year's edition of Women in PDEs in Karlsruhe. We have more than 80 registrants from at least 14 nations. We are looking forward to this upcoming event. To the Women in PDEs webpage |
Continuation proposal The board of the CRC had this week the third proposal writing days. They worked hard and are really satisfied with the outcome and their harmonious cooperation. On Friday, both speakers took another challenge running on top of the Turmberg located in Durlach. |
Current guest Matthias Eller This week Matthias Eller (Georgetown Univ.) is currently our guest here in Karlsruhe. He has ongoing work with Roland Schnaubelt and published lately a preprint together with Andreas Rieder. To his webpage |
Workshop Time Integration for Viscoacoustic Wave Equations This week we have María López-Fernández (Univ. of Málaga) as a guest. Together with Marlis' group she has this workshop and she gave an inspiring talk in the CRC Seminar. To her Google Scholar profile |
Geometric dispersive PDEs By the end of this month there will be the summer school Geometric dispersive PDEs organized by Tobias Lamm, Birgit Schörkhuber, and Tobias Weth. This will be a great event at an awesome venue in Obergurgl, Austria. To the event's webpage |
Inventiones paper: Cwikel's bound reloaded Congratulations to Dirk Hundertmark, Peer Kunstmann, Tobias Ried, and Semjon Vugalter for publishing their paper Cwikel's bound reloaded in Inventiones mathematicae. To this article |
Best poster award at SIAM NWCS Two best poster awards at SIAM Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NWCS), Bremen, given for the best poster presentations. One goes to our doctoral student Lukas Bengel. Congratulations! To the conference's website |
iRTG Retreat 2022 From August 28 to 31, 2022, the iRTG will hold its retreat in the monastery Kloster Hegne at Lake Constance. In addition to the presentation of their current research and discussions on topics of this CRC, the participants are sure to have fun together. What is the iRTG? |
Congratulations, too! Congratulations to Christian Zillinger, too. His group has also been approved the title KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe. The way to KIT Associate Fellow has been paved. To his current project AP6 |
TT-Professorship (W1) for Numerical Methods for PDEs The Department of Mathematics at KIT invites applications for a Tenure-Track-Professorship position to support our CRC in one of the numerical analysis research areas. The deadline is September 7. To the job offer |
Congratulations! Congratulations to Björn de Rijk. His group has been approved the title KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe. The way to KIT Associate Fellow has been paved. To his current project AP8 |
Our Math squads |
Conferences |
Token of appreciation The former iRTG doctoral spokesperson Julian Baumstark has received a little gift as a token of appreciation for his commitment in the last four years. It is a Pilsner glass with his engraved name and additionally a barrel of Pilsener. |
New iRTG doctoral spokesperson Julia Henninger has been elected by the group of doctoral researchers of the iRTG as their new spokesperson. We cordially gratulate her and wish her a successful time to this honorable activity. |
Conference of Women in Physics Since we have some valuable colleagues from physics who work with us in this CRC, we would like to draw your attention to the German Conference of Women in Physics, which will take place at KIT in November this year. To the conference's website |
Women in PDEs We have been wanting to host a new edition of Women in PDEs for a while. The time has come. It is scheduled to take place in October this year. Registration is open. To the Women in PDEs webpage |
KIT Meisterschaft On Saturday the team waves@kit will start at the KIT Meisterschaft organized by the KIT sports club. This is a running event over a distance of 10km which starts and ends on the KIT campus. To the event's webpage |
EAIP Award 2020-2022 The Eurasian Association on Inverse Problems (EAIP) has held their EAIP Awards Ceremony. One of the awardees is our colleague Andreas Kirsch. We cordially congratulate him to this achievement. To the announcement |
Mathematics with passion There is a nice interview report (in German) about one of our doctoral students published by To the interview report |
Lectures by Dmitry Pelinovsky This week Dmitry Pelinovsky will give his first (of two) talk in our PDE Lecture series. He is currently on a long-term stay in Germany at KIT as the recipient of the Humboldt Research Award 2021. To the Humboldt network |
How to Write Mathematics We are happy that Nicholas J. Higham will give two presentations of How to Write Mathematics. The first presentation will be on May 5th and the second two weeks later on May 19th. To Nick's webpage |
Visit by Chris Poulton We are happy that Prof. Christopher Poulton from the Univ. of Technology Sydney, Australia visits us this week. Since September, 2021, he is on a research stay in Jena, Germany. He will give a talk in our CRC Seminar. To his homepage |
Doctoral Researcher position Come and join us! |
Second interview evening The second interview evening is coming up. We are glad that our alumni David Hipp and Patrick Krämer will present their current work and be available for your questions. Save the date for April 27, 2022 at 17:00. |
Summer semester lectures Take a look at the rich range of lectures related to topics of the Collaborative Research Center for the summer semester. To the list of lectures |
Annual Meeting 2022 This year's annual meeting is planned for March 21st to 25th in Bad Herrenalb (location is Haus der Kirche - Evangelische Akademie). As it looks like we will meet in person. Further information |
Management retreat The CRC's management will be on a retreat for two days (February 23rd-24th) in Bad Herrenalb. Preparations for the upcoming annual meeting and the continuation proposal by the end of this year have to be made. |
International conference 2022 Our international conference started today. The next five days will spotlight current research in the wide field of waves. We have more than 370 registrants and over 250 contributions. To the conference website |
Another great success ... ... for Barbara Verfürth. Her funding proposal to the Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG was successful. She has been granted the means for an independent junior research group. What a great achievement, congratulations to this! More details on the programme |
Diversity film project Finally, today we have published the video of our diversity project. You can share it now with friends and family. Have fun watching. To the video (via Youtube) |
PDE Seminar talk Prof. Dr. Dmitry Pelinovsky from the McMaster Univ. will give his talk Domain walls in harmonic potentials on Thursday in our PDE seminar. He received last year's Humboldt Research Award. Further information |
Certificate of appointment Today, Barbara received her certificate of appointment from our president. She will start her W1 professorship on February 1st. Congratulations, Barbara! |
Happy New Year 2022 We wish you all a healthy and successful year - both privately and professionally. For us this year will be devoted to the continuation proposal. |
Merry Christmas ... ... wishes the Collaborative Research Centre 1173 to all of you out there. Spend a wonderful time with your beloved ones and keep a positive attitude. Christmas postcard |
Interview evening The iRTG has launched a new event format; CRC alumni were invited to an evening interview. The audience rated the format very positively, so it is expected to be relaunched in March 2022. To the blog post (in German) |
International conference 2022 There are some bad news about our conference next year. We have decided that this event will be held online, exclusively. It is really sad that we won't be able to welcome you personally in Karlsruhe. To the conference website |
Strategy meeting of the board The board and additionally the administration of this CRC will do a strategic retreat in the Hotel Leinweiler Hof again. All of this mainly but not exclusively under the sign of the renewal proposal. |
Talk by Dag Nilsson We are happy to have Dag Nilsson as guest in Karlsruhe at KIT. He will give a talk in our CRC seminar (which will be hybrid) this Thursday. View calendar |
Kick-off meeting On the upcoming weekend the principal investigators and some of our JRGL/postdocs as well as the administration of our CRC will meet in the Hotel Leinsweiler Hof for the kick-off meeting to the third funding proposal. To the (non-public) event's page |
Filming actions We have there another project in the pipeline. This week we will have a film crew on-site for a short video project. A drone is controlled through the atrium of the building. |
Start of winter term lectures It is Monday and today the lectures of this year's winter term start. Most of them take place in presence. Welcome back all together. To the site of lectures |
Time Integration of PDEs Three minibuses with 21 participants drove today to the Marburger Haus in Hirschegg, Austria, where this year's annual workshop Time Integration of PDEs takes place. To the event's webpage |
Summer school 2021 The summer school went quite well. We have taken a group shot of the on-site participants as well as of some of the online participants. The above image represents the hybrid format. To the event's webpage |
Summer school 2021 On next Monday we will welcome about 50 people participating in this year's summer school. Most of the people will be on-site as far as it is predictable. This is going to be great and we are really excited about this event. To the event's webpage |
Lernbrücken in BadenTV On Monday September 6th Marlis and Wolfgang represented our support of the Lernbrücken during the broadcast of Baden TV Aktuell - Monday a local TV station. Shortly after minute 6 their part begins and lasts for almost 5 minutes. View Baden TV Aktuell |
Interview on Lernbrücken SWR Aktuell BW conducted an interview with Stefan Schrammer; he is one of our doctoral researchers. He supports the Lernbrücken with his commitment as a substitute teacher. Interview on Lernbrücken in SWR |
Social project Lernbrücken For the next two weeks our CRC goes to school. In five secondary schools in Karlsruhe we help children understanding math and solving math problems. We aim to close the learning gaps which appeared due to interrupted teaching during the Corona lockdown. 40 CRC members volunteer as substitute teachers in this project. Read article in SWR Aktuell BW |
Winter term lectures We have added the list of lectures (which are related to the CRC's topics) for the upcoming winter term. Have a look into the range of lectures. To the lectures |
Term of office has ended Since 2014 Marlis Hochbruck was Vice President of the DFG. Her term of office in the Executive Committee ended this July. There will be more time for Mathematics now. To the press release |
Doctoral researcher position We have an open doctoral researcher position in the Project A13 • Dispersive estimates for wave equations with low regularity coefficients. Have a look into the job offer. To the job offer |
International conference 2022 You can register now to our international conference in February 2022. We plan it to be an on-site event. For further information follow the link below. To the conference website |
New project A13 Great news have reached us. Since July 1st, 2021 the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the new project A13. Congratulations to Dorothee Frey and Roland Schnaubelt who are leading this joint project. To project A13 |
20th IMA Leslie Fox Prizes Barbara Verfürth has been awarded one of the Second Prizes at the 20th IMA Leslie Fox Prize Event for Numerical Analysis. It is a biennial prize honoring young numerical analysts worldwide. We cordially congratulate her and the other awardees. Further information |
Humbolt Research Award 2021 We congratulate Dmitry Pelinovsky for receiving the Humboldt Research Award 2021. On Thursday June 24th at 6pm CEST he will give a International Excellence Talk jointly presented by KIT's International Affairs department and the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim. Further information |
Invitation to tender We invite video and image film production companies to submit an offer for an image film of the CRC 1173. Highly motivated, dynamic and open-minded international researchers and scientists of mathematics are connected from all over the world in the CRC to investigate, analyse and simulate wave phenomena. Ask for more information |
Time integration of PDEs This year's annual workshop Time Integration of PDEs will take place in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, from October 11th to 15th, 2021. Further information |
Pentecost lecture-free week In this year there will be for the first time a lecture-free week right after the upcoming pentecost. Maybe time to spend with your kids at home. |
Virtual poster sessions On this week's Thursday we will start our series of four virtual poster sessions for the status reports of our doctoral researchers within the iRTG. Further information |
Vienna Doctoral School in Physics Colleagues from the University of Vienna are organizing VDSP Academy on PDEs in Mathematical Physics. This is planned as a two weeks online event. Further information |
Junior Research Group Leader We are seeking to recruit a Junior Research Group Leader in Analysis with a research focus on PDEs related to wave phenomena. To the job offers |
Summer school 2021 We are happy to announce that Dr. Lukas Einkemmer and Dr. Anna Geyer will be our speakers for this year's summer school. Both will give a lecture series with exercises. Registration has opened. Further information |
Perpetuation of MathSEE Congratulations! MathSEE was successfully evaluated in March and the good news is it has been perpetuated. |
MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop Our colleague Dorothee Frey is involved in the organization of a tandem workshop between MATRIX and MFO called Rough Wave Equations which will be in September. Further information |
Doctoral Researcher positions We have open Doctoral Researcher positions within our projects Numerical analysis of multiscale methods lead by Barbara Verfürth and Stability and instability in fluids and materials lead by Christian Zillinger. To the job offers |
Lectures Today are starting the lectures of the summer term 2021. Take a look at the wide range of lectures that are related to the CRC. Browse to the lectures |
PDE seminar Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva from the Univ. of Birmingham will give his talk Global maximizers for spherical restriction in our PDE seminar on April 8th, 2021. Further information |
Oberwolfach Workshop »Geometric Numerical Integration« This workshop is held from March 28th to April 3rd. It is a hybrid meeting. Further information |
Annual Meeting 2021 We have developed a new format for this year's Annual Meeting 2021. We have focused to strengthen the cooperations between our projects. We are enthusiastic. Further information |
Pop Math There is a new platform called Pop Math collecting POPular events on MATHematics in Europe and making them in a nice way available for you. Have a look! Browse to |
(Post-) Doctoral researcher We are seeking a (post)doctoral researcher with scientific background in Electrical Engineering, Photonics or Physics to support project C4. To the job offer |
Doctoral defenses Tomorrow on February 24th two of our doctoral researchers, Benjamin Dörich and Jan Leibold, will defend their theses in the afternoon. We wish every success. |
Management retreat On March 2nd to 3rd the CRC's management will hold a retreat. On the agenda will be future events, strategic aspects, and elaborating new ideas. |
Congratulations! Congratulations to Barbara Verfürth. Her group has been approved the title KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe. The way to KIT Associate Fellow has been paved. To her current project AP5 |
PDE seminar Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian J. Cyron from TU Hamburg will give his talk Machine Learning & Computational Mechanics: the natural next step in our PDE seminar on February 11th, 2021. Further information |
Talk by Michael Feischl Our colleague Michael Feischl at TU Vienna will give a talk about Black box algorithms for adaptive FEM on February 8th in the One World Numerical Analysis Series. Further information |
Annual meeting 2021 We had to postpone our Annual Meeting by a week. It is now scheduled from March 15th to 18th, 2021. Unfortunately, this is going to be a hybrid event again. Stay tuned for updates. Further information |
IPwin2021 Our colleague Roland Griesmaier will give a lecture series on inverse source problems at the Virtual PhD Winter School Inverse problems in partial differential equations and geometry which takes place at DTU. Further information |
NEPA seminar talk In the series of seminars Numerics for evolutive problems and applications (NEPA) Marlis Hochbruck will give a talk on January 22nd and a week later our colleague Christian Lubich. Further information |
Workshop "Data Science for Materials Science" The KIT centers KCIST, MathSEE, and Materials are jointly organizing a workshop on Data Science for Material Sciences on 22.01.2020 beginning at 9:00 am. Further information |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year We wish you all pleased Christmas holidays and a Happy New Year! Be and stay healthy in these times! See also |
CRC Prize 2020 The CRC has awarded Rebekka Zimmermann and Michael Kirn the CRC Prize 2020 for their outstanding Bachelor resp. Master theses. Further information |
Annual meeting 2020 The CRC's Annual Meeting is scheduled this week from October 20th until 23rd and started on Tuesday at 10:00 as a hybrid event. Further information |
Time Integration of PDEs The CRC workshop Time Integration of PDEs takes place in Bad Herrenalb from 28th to 30th of September 2020. Further information |
Welcome Christian Zillinger With Dr. Christian Zillinger we are happy to welcome a new junior research group leader in our CRC. As an international scientist with over four years abroad in California and Bilbao he is recognized as an expert on inviscid damping for shear flows and norm inflation techniques. Interview on our blog (in German) |
One World Numerical Analysis Series The colleagues at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) at Edinburgh have announced a virtual seminar series starting on July 20th. Further information |
Numerics of PDEs unplugged 2020 On October 29th and 30th our event Numerics of PDEs unplugged will happen, unfortunately not that unplugged as intended but with the same spirit. Further information |
Welcome Barbara Verfürth We are really happy to welcome Dr. Barbara Verfürth in our team on a junior research group leader position. As a highly motivated researcher she received a price for her thesis at WWU Münster 2018 and the Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preis of the GAMM in 2019. Interview on our blog (in German) |
One World PDE Seminar Due to Corona and Covid-19 many events have been cancelled. Please have a look into an interesting initiative for the PDE community from our colleagues at Bath. Further information |
DFG news related to Corona The DFG tries everything that nobody has a disadvantage due to the current situation. The team of the CRC is available to you via telephone, email, Skype or whatever medium, of course. Link to DFG Corona ticker |
Summer school 2020 Registration to this year's summer school »Computational Photonics« has been closed. We have participants from all around the world (about 40 countries on all continents). Further information |
Happy new year and new project A12 |
Oberwolfach Seminar This week we organize an Oberwolfach Seminar about the theme of this CRC. Oberwolfach Seminar 1948b |
ERC Starting Grant for Katharina Schratz We congratulate our former CRC member and colleague Katharina Schratz who has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant. Fantastic! To the KIT press release (in German) |
Plenary talk of Marlis You can look into the slides of Marlis Hochbruck's plenary talk at the 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Direct link to the slides |
Job offers We offer postdoctoral and doctoral researcher positions. Have a look into our job descriptions. To the job descriptions |
New job offers We are searching for postdoctoral and doctoral researchers. Take a look at our current job offers. Further information |
YES, 4 more years! We made it. The DFG will fund our CRC (official press release of the DFG) another four years. KIT press release (only in German) |
CRC Workshop On July 4th there will be a workshop on the occasion of four years of CRC 1173. Save the date. Further information on the event page |
iRTG Workshop and Minicourses On April 8th and 9th will be our iRTG Workhop and from 10th to 12th there will be two minicourses. |
Review on March 14-15th Tomorrow on Pi Day and the day after our CRC will be reviewed. This is a big milestone. Keep your fingers crossed for us. |
Colloquium honoring Andreas Kirsch and Lutz Weis Save the date! Thursday, Januar 31, 2019, at 14:00-16:00 in seminar room 1.067, building 20.30. Further information |
JProf. Dr. Xian Liao Dr. Xian Liao has received today her certificate of appointment for her Junior Professorship. We cordially congratulate her. |
Gips-Schüle-Nachwuchspreis 2018 We congratulate our CRC member Axel Loewe to the third place of his dissertation within the scope of the Gips-Schüle-Nachwuchspreis 2018. Read more |
Unconscious Bias Have you ever been biased towards someone? Let’s find out on June 28th, 2018, at 14:00. Read more |
We might want you We are seeking Postdoctoral Researchers. Look into your job advertisement. Read more |
High Potential Program First cohort of the CRC’s High Potential Program to foster our young researchers in their scientific career has started. Read more |
Lecture by Mederski On May 9th our visiting professor Dr. Jaroslaw Mederski will start with his lecture Nonlinear Maxwell equations – a variational approach Read more |
Summer School 2018 In the week September 17–21, 2018 our Summer School »Full Waveform Inversion: Mathematics and Geophysics« will take place. Register today! Read more |
Conference 2018 In the week July 23–27, 2018 our Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena will take place. Registration is closed. Read more |
ERC Consolidator Grants We congratulate our colleagues Dr. Christian Greiner and especially Prof. Dr. Christian Koos for being awarded ERC Consolidator Grants. Read more |
Simulation of Seismic Waves We released this week PyFWI - an interactive software for the simulation of seismic waves. Read more |
Joint Workshop 2017 Next week (November 16-17) our joint workshop with RTG 1838 »Spectral Theory and Dynamics of Quantum Systems« from the Univ. of Stuttgart/Tübingen will take place at KIT. Read more |
Publication in Nature Soliton frequency combs generated in optical microresonators allow to transmit data at rates of more than 50 terabits per second. Read more |
PDEs unplugged Mathematics only with chalk and blackboard -- no technical gimmicks and gadgets. Keep the date June 13-14, 2017 in your mind. Read more |
Open PhD position We have an open PhD position in project B7. If you are interested have a look on our Jobs page. Read more |
Registration for Women in PDEs Registration for the workshop "Women in PDEs @ Karlsruhe" is now open. Read more |
Women in PDEs @ Karlsruhe On April 27-28, 2017 the workshop "Women in PDEs@Karlsruhe" will take place. Outstanding invited speakers from academia and industry will give talks. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss with them. Read more |
Mathematics for the heart The DFG published a german article "Mathematik fürs Herz" about our CRC. To read it follow the link. Read more |
CRC opening event On Friday the 16th of September the official CRC opening event will happen. Read more |
1st CRC summer school In three weeks the CRC's first summer school will take place. We have more than 60 registered participants. Read more |
Annual retreat The first CRCs annual retreat will take place from April 4-8, 2016 in Bildungshaus St. Bernhard (Rastatt). Read more |
Waves blog Read more about us on our blog. To our blog |
XXX EUPROMETA School The XXX EUPROMETA School will take place on April 11-15, 2016 at KIT and it is locally organized by Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics with members of this CRC. Further information |
Joint workshop of A5 & A6 Next friday there will be a joint workshop »Nonlinear Maxwell equations« of the projects A5 and A6. Look into its program. |
Report in lookkIT Report on our CRC in the current issue (2015/4) of the lookkIT magazine. |
Summer school 2016 Save the date for the 1st CRC summer school, September 12-15, 2016 at KIT. The lecturers are Herbert Koch (Bonn, Germany) and Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck, Austria). Further information |
CRC prize 2015 Christine Grathwohl has been awarded the CRC prize 2015 for her outstanding Master thesis. |
Wanted: Junior Research Group Leader Please look into our Jobs section. Currently, we're searching for a Junior Research Group Leader in Mathematics. Read more |
DG Workshop Joint workshop on November 17th and 18th with the group of Prof. Dr. Kurt Busch from HU Berlin with the aim of applying new methods and results on the numerics of Maxwell equations into optics and photonics simulations in Berlin. |
Cooking Math Please visit the special event Cooking Math on November 5th within the 16th Karlsruhe Science Slam. This is our first joint project together with the HfG Karlsruhe. |
Start of CRC seminar Start of our CRC seminar with talks by Denis Bonheure and Ludwig Gauckler. |
Butcher Prize David Hipp (Project A2) wins the Butcher Prize at the International Conference on Scientific Computation And Differential Equations (SciCADE 2015) in Potsdam. |
Award best student paper Andreas Sturm (Project A4) wins best student paper prize at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (Waves 2015) in Karlsruhe. The paper is available here. |
First CRC general assembly On July 13th, 2015 the first CRC general assembly will take place in seminar room 1.067, building 20.30. |
New website We have launched this new website for our Collaborative Research Centre 1173 funded by DFG. |
Great news The DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) has approved our funding proposal. They will fund us (at least) for the next four years. Read more |