Summer School 2016 »Wave Phenomena: Analysis and Numerics«

Watch here the evolution of the above group photo.
Lecture series
- Generalized Korteweg-de Vries and Nonlinear Schrödinger: estimates and dynamics near solitons held by Herbert Koch (University of Bonn, Germany)
- Splitting methods: analysis and applications
held by Alexander Ostermann (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
There will be problem sessions with projects that accompany the lecture series.
The summer school is directed to Ph.D. and advanced master students with a solid background in analysis and/or numerics of partial differential equations.
Starting on September 12th at 9:00.
Closing on September 15th with the conference dinner.
Participants are invited to attend the CRC opening event of this Collaborative Research Centre on September 16th (from 9:00 to about 16:00).
You can find more details in the downloadable program.
Registration has been closed. Female PhD and Master's students are particularly encouraged to attend.
Registration is now open until 15th of July, 2016. Please register by filling out this email formular. (Do you have trouble opening the link? Then copy & paste the email body manually and send it filled-out to office∂
Notice: Please apply early enough for a visa to enter Germany if you need one, and contact us for invitation letters.
Accomodation for a limited number of participants can be financed.
E-Mail: office∂