Annual Meeting 2022
The sixth CRC's annual meeting will take place from March from 21st to 25th, 2022 in Haus der Kirche - Evangelische Akademie Baden, Bad Herrenalb.
Last update on March 18th, 2022.
- Members Assembly (for members only)
- General Assembly (for participants only)
- Sustainable Software (for participants only)
Hiking routes
On Wednesday you have two choices for hiking. There is a short route (<10km, Plotzsägmühle) and a longer route (about 16,5km, Teufelsmühle). If you choose to take the longer one the starting time will be at 13:30 while for the shorter one it will begin at 14:00.
More infromation
- Members Assembly (for members only)
- General Assembly (for participants only)
- Sustainable Software (for participants only)
- Information on form and content
- Technical information
- More detailed information about the project poster sessions. Who presents and who visits (at least) for discussions. (Last update on March 17th, 2022.)
- More detailed information about the iRTG poster sessions. (Last update on March 18th, 2022.)
- We provide a table (PDF) with the information who is intended to present a talk or a poster during this Annual Meeting. All iRTG posters have to be presented in both sessions.