
Winter semester 2024
Core lectures
- Harmonic Analysis (Frey, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Elements Methods (Maier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Functional Analysis (Reichel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Klassische Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen (Zillinger, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Numerical Methods for Integral Equations (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Introduction to Kinetic Theory (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Parallel Computing (Krause, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Liao, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Advanced Methods in Nonlinear PDEs (de Rijk, 2 hours)
- Theoretical Nanooptics (Rockstuhl and Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours)
- Nonlinear Maxwell Equations (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Summer semester 2024
Core lectures
- Spektraltheorie (Frey, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Boundary and Eigenvalue Problem (Lewintan, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Wieners, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
- Integralgleichungen (Hettlich, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Nonlinear Evolution Equations (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Geometric Variational Problems (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Regularity for Elliptic Problems (Kunstmann, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical Methods for Oscillatory Differential Equations (Jahnke, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Streutheorie für zeitabhängige Wellen (Griesmaier, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Mathematische Methoden der Bildgebung (Rieder, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Functions of Matrices (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerical Analysis of Neural Networks (Maier, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Uncertainty Quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical Methods in Fluidmechanics (Dörfler, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Theoretical Optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Computational Photonics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours)
- Nonlinear Optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Bioelektrische Signale (Loewe, 2 hours)
Winter semester 2023
Core lectures
- Classical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Lewintan, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Wieners, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Elemente Methoden (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Funktionalanalysis (Frey, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Evolution Equations (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Harmonische Analysis 2 (Kunstmann, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Dynamical Systems (de Rijk, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Introduction to convex Integration (Zillinger, 2 hours)
- Analytical and numerical homogenization (Maier, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Space and time discretization of nonlinear wave equations (Hochbruck/Dörich, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerische Optimierungsmethoden (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Introduction to Kinetic Theory (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Summer semester 2023
Core lectures
- Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Rand- und Eigenwertprobleme (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Rieder, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
- Spectral Theory (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Harmonische Analysis (Tolksdorf , 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Uncertainty Quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Streutheorie (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Topics in Numerical Linear Algebra (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Liao, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik (Thäter, 2 hours)
- Theory of Seismic Waves (Bohlen)
- Seismic Modelling (Bohlen)
- Theoretical Nanooptics (Fernandez-Corbaton and Rockstuhl, 2 hours)
- Nonlinear Optics (Koos, 2 hours (plus 2 hours tutorial))
Winter semester 2022
Core lectures
- Klassische Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Element Methods (Jahnke, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Hettlich, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics I (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Variationsmethoden (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Computerunterstütze analytische Methoden für Rand- und Eigenwertprobleme (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Bifurcation Theory (Mandel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Traveling Waves (de Rijk, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Introduction to convex Integration (Zillinger, 2 hours)
- Mehrgitter- und Gebietszerlegungsverfahren (Wieners, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerische komplexe Analysis (Hochbruck, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Introduction to Kinetic Theory (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial))
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical Nanooptics (Rockstuhl & Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
Summer semester 2022
Core lectures
- Spektraltheorie (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Evolutionsgleichungen (Kunstmann, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Integralgleichungen (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Dispersive equations (Liao, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Wave propagation in periodic structures (Zhang, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Splitting methods for evolution equations (Jahnke, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical methods for Maxwell's equations (Hochbruck, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Nichtlineare inverse Probleme in Banachräumen (Rieder, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Functions of matrices (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Adaptive Finite Elemente Methoden (Verfürth, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Uncertainty quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial))
- Optimierung in Banachräumen (Hettlich, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik (Thäter, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical linear algebra for scientific high performance computing (Anzt, 2 hours)
- Nonlinear Optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical Optics (Rockstuhl & Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Theory of Seismic Waves (Bohlen, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Seismic Modelling (Bohlen, 1 hour plus 1 hour tutorial)
Winter semester 2021/22
Core lectures
- Classical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Jahnke, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Element Methods (Dörfler, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics I (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nichtlineare Randwertprobleme (Mandel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Fourier Analysis and its applications to PDE (Liao, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Introduction to microlocal analysis (Sun, 2 hours)
- Maxwell Gleichungen (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Exponential Integrators (Dörich & Leibold, 3 hours)
- Numerical Analysis of Helmholtz Problems (Verfürth, 2 hours)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical Nanooptics (Rockstuhl & Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours)
- Theoretical Quantum Optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Completely Integrable Systems II (Liao, 2 hours)
- Forschungsseminar Computermodellierung des Herzens (Loewe, 2 hours)
- Ausgewählte Kapitel der Biomedizinischen Technik (Loewe, 2 hours)
- CRC Seminar
- iRTG Seminar
- Karlsruhe PDE Seminar
Summer semester 2021
Core lectures
- Spectral theory (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Rand- und Eigenwertprobleme (Liao, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Harmonic analysis (Frey, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Sobolev spaces (Mandel, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Dörfler, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Introduction to fluid dynamics (Zillinger, 2 hours)
- Analytical and numerical homogenization (Goffi & Verfürth, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Time integration of PDEs (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Streutheorie (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Integralgleichungen (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Wavelets (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Mathematische Methoden in der Bildgebung (Rieder, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Uncertainty quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik (Thäter, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Topics in numerical linear algebra (Neher, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerical linear algebra for scientific high performance computing (Anzt, 2 hours)
- Theory of Seismic Waves (Bohlen, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Seismic Modelling (Bohlen, 1 hour plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Nonlinear optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- The ABC of DFT (Rockstuhl, 2 hours)
Winter semester 2020/21
Missing links to some lectures may follow.
Core lectures
- Klassische Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen (Liao, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Dörfler, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite elements methods (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Hettlich, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Introduction to Kinetic Theory (Frank, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Optimierungsmethoden (Wieners, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures (Zhang, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical Simulations in Molecular Dynamics II (Grimm, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical Nanooptics (Rockstuhl & Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours)
- Theoretical Quantum Optics (Rockstuhl & Lee, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Full-Waveform Inversion (Bohlen & Pan, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
Summer semester 2020
Core lectures
- Spektraltheorie (Frey, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Evolution equations (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Hochbruck, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
- Integralgleichungen (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics II (Anapolitanos, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nonlinear Wave Equations (Schörkhuber, 2 hours)
- Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis (Mandel, 2 hours)
- Splitting methods for evolution equations (Jahnke, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Geometric numerical integration (Jahnke, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)/li>
- Mathematische Methoden in der Bildgebung (Rieder, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Uncertainty quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik (Thäter, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical simulations in molecular dynamics (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerical linear algebra for scientific high performance computing (Anzt, 2 hours)
- Nonlinear optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical optics (Rockstuhl & Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Electromagnetics and numerical calculation of fields (Dössel)
- Theory of seismic waves (Bohlen, 2 hours)
- Seismic modelling (Bohlen, 1 hour)
- Inversion and tomography (Bohlen, 2 hours)
Winter semester 2019/20
Core lectures
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Elemente Methoden (Wieners, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Classical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Maxwell Gleichungen (Hettlich, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nonlinear Maxwell equations (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 1 (Anapolitanos, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Variationsmethoden (Reichel, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Introduction to Kinetic Theory (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Functions of Matrices (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- An Introduction for Periodic Elliptic Operators (Zhang, 2 hours)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Theoretical Nanooptics (Rockstuhl & Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Theoretical Quantum Optics (Rockstuhl & Lee, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Near-surface seismic and GPR (Bohlen & Pan, 1 hour)
- Seismology (Rietbrock & Gottschämmer, 2 hours)
- Full-waveform inversion (Bohlen & Pan, 3 day block course)
- Electromagnetics and Numerical Calculation of Fields (Dössel, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
Summer semester 2019
Core lectures
- Spectral Theory (Kunstmann, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Rand- und Eigenwertprobleme (Reichel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Wieners, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Nichtlineare Evolutionsgleichungen (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Fourier Analysis and its applications to PDEs (Liao, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Uncertainty quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Aspects of numerical time integration (Schratz, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical methods in fluid mechanics (Dörfler, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical methods in hyperbolic equations (Dörfler, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Optimierung und optimale Kontrolle bei Differentialgleichungen (Thäter, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Topics in numerical linear algebra (Neher, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Randelementmethoden (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Streutheorie (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nonlinear optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Theoretical Optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Theory of Seismic Waves (Bohlen, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Seismic Modelling (Bohlen, 1 hour plus ? hours tutorial)
Winter semester 2018/19
Core lectures
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Wieners, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Elemente Methoden (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Klassische Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen (Reichel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Evolutionsgleichungen (Schnaubelt, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Griesmaier, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Nichtlineare inverse Probleme in Banachräumen (Rieder, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Comparison of numerical integrators for nonlinear dispersive equations (Schratz, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Integralgleichungen (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Stochastische Differentialgleichungen (Weis, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Introduction to Kinetic Theory (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical Linear Algebra for Scientific High Performance Computing (Anzt, 2 hours)
- Dispersive equations (Xian Liao, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Full Waveform Inversion (Bohlen, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Computational Photonics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical Quantum Optics (Rockstuhl and Lee, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
Summer semester 2018
Core lectures
- Spectral theory (Kunstmann, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Boundary and eigenvalue problems (Mandel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Integral equations (Kirsch, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Introduction to scientific computing (Rieder, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Stochastic evolution equations (Weis, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Geometric analysis (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Mathematical topics in kinetic theory (Ried, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical methods for time-dependent PDEs (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Uncertainty quantification (Frank, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical analysis of highly oscillatory problems (Schratz, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerical methods in fluid mechanics (Dörfler, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Numerical methods in computational electrodyamics (Dörfler, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Nonlinear optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical optics (Boris Narozhny and Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nonlinear Maxwell equations — a variational approach (Mederski, 2 hours)
Winter semester 2017/18
Core lectures
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Element Methods (Dörfler, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Classical Methods for Partial Differential Equation (Anapolitanos, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nichtlineare Analysis (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Harmonic analysis for dispersive equations (Kunstmann, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Stochastische Differentialgleichungen (Weis, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Unendlichdimensionale dynamische Systeme (Rottmann-Matthes, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Bifurcation theory II (Mandel, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Streutheorie (Kirsch, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Grundlagen der Kontinuumsmechanik (Wieners, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Exponential integrators (Hochbruck, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Quantum Optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Reflexionsseismik (Bohlen, 2 hours)
- Near surface seismic and GPR (Bohlen, 2 hours)
Summer semester 2017
Core lectures
- Spectral theory (Lamm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Rand- und Eigenwertprobleme (Rottmann-Matthes, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Dörfler, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- RTG lecture series (Ringvorlesung Wellenphänomene) (2 hours)
- Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik, Teil II (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nonlinear Maxwell Equations (Schnaubelt, 2 hours)
- Aspekte der Geometrischen Analysis (Mäder-Baumdicker, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Bifurcation Theory (Mandel, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Mehrgitter- und Gebietszerlegungsverfahren (Wieners, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Mathematische Methoden in der Bildgebung (Rieder, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Die Maxwellschen Gleichungen (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Aspects of Numerical Time Integration (Schratz, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Spezielle Themen der numerischen linearen Algebra (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Mehrskalenmethoden (Gallistl & Stohrer, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Nonlinear optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Seismic full waveform inversion (Bohlen, 3 days course)
Winter semester 2016/17
Core lectures
- Klassische Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen (Reichel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Nonlinear boundary value problems (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Hettlich, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik (Hundertmark, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Dynamische Systeme (Rottmann-Matthes, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Evolutionsgleichungen (Weis, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Dörfler, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Finite Element Methods (Jahnke, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Numerical Methods for Maxwell's Equations (Hochbruck, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Splitting Methods (Schratz, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Integralgleichungen (Arens, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Summer semester 2016
Core lectures
- Spektraltheorie (Weis, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Integralgleichungen (Hettlich, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems (Anapolitanos, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen (Jahnke, 3 hours plus 3 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Aspects of Nonlinear Wave Equations (Reichel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Time Integration of PDEs (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Geometric Numerical Integration (Jahnke, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- RTG lecture series (2 hours)
- Nonlinear Optics (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Theoretical Optics (Rockstuhl, 2 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
Winter semester 2015/16
Core lectures
- Nichtlineare Randwertprobleme (Reichel, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Classical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Plum, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Inverse Probleme (Kirsch, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Travelling Waves (Rottmann-Matthes, 3 hours plus 1 hour tutorial)
- Finite Elements Methods (Hochbruck, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Numerische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen (Jahnke, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
Advanced lectures
- Advanced Inverse Problems: Nonlinearity and Banach Spaces (Rieder, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Matrixfunktionen (Grimm, 4 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)
- Optical Waveguides and Fibers (Koos, 2 hours plus 2 hours tutorial)