Workflow Guest (short stay)

Before the Stay

PI or Member

  • At latest two weeks before the guest will show up the host informs the speakers of the CRC, Marlis Hochbruck and Wolfgang Reichel, about the planned invitation with the following information:
    • name, home university, country of origin, and email address of the guest,
    • duration and date of the visit,
    • project in CRC,
    • approximate amount of the travel expenses,
    • if co-funding is available from other resources, please mention it,
    • for a talk in the seminar, please follow additionally this workflow.
  • The host provides Sonja Becker and the Administration with
    • desired accommodation.
  • The host asks the CRC members, wether they would like to meet with the guest and when. The host coordinates the appointments.
  • The host (or his/her secretariat/office) will arrange for a guest office and the respective keys.


  • Sonja Becker
    • books the accommodation,
    • provides the guest with the address of the accommodation and arrival information,
    • keeps records.
  • Christian Knieling
    • lists the guest on the CRC website under Guests & Events,
    • sends announcement and reminder mails referring to the talk,
    • adds the talk with an abstract to the CRC calendar,
    • provides the guest with an email account including computer access (where appropriate by delegation to Inge Lange).
  • Laurette Lauffer
    • sends the guest, 4 weeks prior to the visit if possible, information on the requested standards for the talks and inquires about the technical requests for the talk.

After Arrival


  • Sonja Becker
    • assists the guest in filling in all required documents,
    • keeps the originals of the travel documents (where possible),
    • requests the submission of all other travel documents and receipts from the guest after their return home.

At the Day of the Talk

PI or Member

  • The host will be the chair(wo)man of the talk and is responsible for adhering to the schedule.
  • The host books a table for a social event/dinner after the talk.

After the Stay

PI or Member

The host is responsible for returning the office keys.
