Some of our numerical methods are realized in the parallel finite element system M++.

Summerschool lecture on space-time methods of wave equations
- svn export --username m++ --password m++ -r 675 https://svn.math.kit.edu/svn/M++/SummerSchool
- cd SummerSchool
- make TimeStepping
- make SpaceTime
- mpirun -n 4 M++TimeStepping
- mpirun -n 4 M++SpaceTime
Details on the numerical methods are documented in the Lecture on Space-Time Methods for the Wave Equation. Details to SVN and the example are on page 17.
Tutorial for our summerschool on Full Waveform Inversion
The modules for testing algorithms for full waveform inversion can be downloaded an started by
- svn export --username m++ --password m++ -r 963 https://svn.math.kit.edu/svn/M++/FWI-SummerSchool
- cd FWI-SummerSchool/
- make -j FWI
- mpirun -n 4 fwi forward
- paraview &
- python3 tools/seismogram_lib.py data/FWI/seis_1.1_2.1
Some exercises and details on the numerical methods are given in the Practice Sheet on Full Waveform Inversion.