Qualification Program of the iRTG



The goal of the iRTG’s qualification program is to strengthen the scientific and professionalskills of the doctoral researchers and to bring them into contact with renowned scientists in the field at an early stage of their career. The study program, which is open to advanced Master students as well, comprises the following activities:

  • CRC seminar
  • RTG workshop
  • RTG lecture series
  • iRTG seminar
  • Curricular lectures
  • Karlsruhe PDE Seminar and Karlsruhe PDE Lectures
  • Conferences, workshops, summer schools
  • Good scientific practice
  • Research stays
  • Teaching and leadership competencies
  • Professional skills

All activities can be found in the CRC calendar.


The iRTG offers (self-organized and internal) workshops for its members. For example,

  • Make Yourself Heard Workshop (Englisch, EO), 2025
  • Dealing with the Ups and Downs of Doctoral Research Workshop, 2025
  • Good Scientific Practice Workshop (German/English), 2025
  • Career planning for postdoctoral researchers (English), 2024
  • Non-violent Communication Workshop (English/German, EO), October 2024
  • Performing under Pressure: Lessons for the Successful Women in Academia Workshop (English, EO), July 2024
  • Time and Self Management Workshop (English/German), April 2024
  • Project Management in Higher Education and Research Workshop (English/German), March 2024
  • Good Scientific Practice Workshop (German/English, Webinar for all cooperation partners), February 2024
  • iRTG Retreat, October 2023
  • Finances, a Female Perspective (English/German, EO), October 2023
  • Ways out of Science Workshop (English), September 2023
  • Karriereperspektiven außerhalb der Wissenschaft (German), July 2023
  • Scientific Writing for Mathematicians Workshop (English), June 2023
  • Presentation Workshop (English), May 2023
  • iRTG Workshop, April 2023
  • Good Scientific Practice Workshop (German/English, Webinar), December 2022
  • iRTG Retreat, August 2022
  • Time and Self Management Workshop (English), July 2022
  • Make Yourself Heard Workshop (English, EO), June 2022
  • How to Write Mathematics Lecture (English, Webinar), May 2022
  • Project Management in Higher Education and Research Workshop (English, Webinar), March 2022
  • Good Scientific Practice Workshop (German/English, Webinar), November 2021
  • Presentation Skills Workshop (English, Webinar), October 2021
  • Implicit Bias (English, Webinar, EO), September 2021
  • Ways out of Science - support for alternative career plannings Workshop (German/English), July/September 2021
  • Good Scientific Writing Workshop (English, Webinar), July 2021
  • Time Management Workshop (English, Webinar), January 2021
  • Time Management Workshop (German, Webinar), December 2020
  • Good Scientific Practice Workshop (German/English, Webinar), October 2020
  • Clean Code C++ Workshop (Webinar), June 2020
  • Proposal Writing für Mathematiker (Webinar), June 2020
  • iRTG Retreat, March 2020
  • Project Management in Higher Education and Research Workshop, February 2020
  • Finances - a Female Perspective Lecture (EO), February 2020
  • Performing under Pressure: Lessons for the Successful Women in Academia Workshop (EO), December 2019
  • De-biased Staff Selection Workshop (EO), July 2019
  • Good Scientific Practice Workshop, December 2018
  • Scientific Presentation Workshop, February 2018
  • Joint Workshop, November 2017
  • Industry Preparation Workshop, Februar 17
  • Scientific Writing Workshop, January 17, organized together with PEBA
  • Git Workshop, June 2016
  • Scientific Presentation Workshop, November 2015, organized together with PEBA