Project B7 • Dynamics of electro-cardiac depolarization waves

Principal investigators

  Prof. Dr. Olaf Dössel (7/2015 - 6/2019)
  Prof. Dr. Tobias Jahnke (7/2023 - )
  PD Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe (7/2019 - )
  Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners (7/2015 - )

Project summary

Depolarization waves in the heart are an important electrophysiological phenomenon, which is described by the basic model for the cardiac reaction-diffusion system: the bidomain equations for electrical potentials in and between cells and the spread of the depolarization waves. The cardiac electrophysiological system triggers contractions of the heart muscle, which is modeled as a time-varying elastic body. The electrical cellular transmembrane voltages are given as solutions to nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations on a manifold. Depending on the accuracy of the model, this is coupled with an ODE model in every nodal point of every cell to determine the transmembrane currents.

Mathematical model of the heart

Let \Omega be a bounded domain that defines the anatomical regions of the heart and \Omega_\mathrm{E} \subset \Omega be the subset of excitable tissue. Find the transmembrane voltage v, the vector of gating variables \mathbf{w}, the state variables of the active stress model \mathbf{s}, the displacement \mathbf{u}, and the state variables of the circulatory system model \mathbf{z}, such that our multi scale model of the heart [10] is solved.

J = \det \mathbf{F} \approx 1, \mathbf{D} is the diffusion tensor, C_\mathrm{m} is the membrane capacitance, I_\mathrm{ion} is the ionic current, I_\mathrm{ext} is an external stimulus current, \rho is the mass density, \mathbf{S} is the passive stress, \mathbf{S}_\mathrm{a} is the active stress, and p(t) is the blood pressure within the heart chambers. The functions \mathbf{G_w}, \mathbf{G_s}, and \mathbf{G_z} are derived from suitable cellular and circulatory system models.

Efficient time integration for the fully coupled model

In [5], different staggered time stepping schemes for the electrophysiology are evaluated systematically. By an asymptotic evaluation for a benchmark configuration (monodomain model with Beeler-Reuter cell model), we show that singular and linear implicit methods for the electric potential with \mathrm L_2 projections of the ODE variables are more efficient than operator splitting schemes and simple Lagrange interpolation used up to now.

Electromechanical interaction in health and disease

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a clinically frequently observed disease. However, the underlying disease mechanisms are incompletely understood and alteration of various tissue properties are discussed as being causative. In [9], we could show how the variability in each of these properties contributes to altered mechanics of the left ventricle and which of the alterations is essential to reproduce the phenotype observed in clinical measurements. Similarly, we investigated changes in the electro-mechanical interaction in cases of dilated cardiomyopathy. The characteristic enlargement of the ventricles and the atria leads to a remodeling of the muscle fibers and changes cardiomyocytes on a microscopic level. Which of these pathomechanisms has the most significant impact is studied in [4].

Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia and ablation therapy is the method of choice for many patients. However, ablation scars alter the electrophysiological activation and the mechanical behavior of the affected atria. In [4], we study five commonly used ablation scar patterns and their combinations in the left atrium regarding their impact on the pumping function of the heart using our electro-mechanical whole-heart model. This study provides biomechanical evidence that atrial ablation has acute effects not only on atrial contraction but also on ventricular pumping function.

Globally, heart failure is a major public health concern affecting 23 million people and causing significant morbidity and mortality. Despite intensive multidisciplinary disease management, the clinical outcomes and prognosis remain unsatisfactory in this population. In [8], we offer a step-by-step methodological workflow for the in silico analysis of left ventricular rotational behavior using in vivo data obtained during invasive electromechanical mapping in patients with heart failure and co-existing left bundle branch block. We could show that dyssynchronous electrical activation of the left ventricle is insufficient for the breakdown of wringing rotation.

Characterization of cellular pacemaking

The human sinoatrial node (SAN) is the intrinsic natural pacemaker of the heart. Despite its remarkable robustness to failure, the electrophysiological properties, and mechanisms by which the SAN overcomes the source-sink mismatch towards the hyperpolarized surrounding cardiac tissue remains a mystery. The SAN is electrically isolated from the hyperpolarized cardiac tissue, except at a discrete number of sinoatrial exit pathways (SEP). Using in silico experiments, we explore the influence of the fiber orientation, the SEPs’ number, geometry and location on the activation of the SAN and the surrounding atrial tissue. We provide the mechanisms in a first 3D model of the human SAN-SEP structure that can successfully drive the working myocardium [7].


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  1. . Das Monodomain-Modell für die Erregungsausbreitung im menschlichen Herz und seine effiziente numerische Approximation. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), October . [bibtex]

  2. . Personalized electromechanical modeling of the human heart: challenges and opportunities for the simulation of pathophysiological scenarios. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), May . [bibtex]

  3. . In silico modeling, simulation and optimization of human cardiac motion. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), February . [bibtex]

  4. . Simulation of cardiac electrophysiology and biomechanics: from model development to clinical translation. Habilitation thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), December . [bibtex]

  5. . Model based estimation of the elastomechanical properties of the human heart. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), July . [bibtex]

  6. . A multiscale in silico study to characterize the atrial electrical activity of patients with atrial fibrillation: a translational study to guide ablation therapy. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), June . [bibtex]

Other references

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  8. and . Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model. Am. J. Physiol. Heart. Circ. Physiol., 291(3):H1088–H1100, September . URL [bibtex]

Former staff
Name Title Function
Dr. Doctoral researcher
M.Sc. Doctoral researcher
Dr.-Ing. Postdoctoral and doctoral researcher
Dr. Postdoctoral and doctoral researcher
M.Sc. Doctoral researcher
Dr. Postdoctoral and doctoral researcher
Dr.-Ing. Scientific researcher