Simulation of cardiac electrophysiology and biomechanics: from model development to clinical translation (bibtex)
by Loewe, Axel
Simulation of cardiac electrophysiology and biomechanics: from model development to clinical translation (Loewe, Axel), Habilitation thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@misc {11000141174,
        AUTHOR = {Loewe, Axel},
         TITLE = {Simulation of cardiac electrophysiology and biomechanics: 
                  from model development to clinical translation},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {Habilitation thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)},
          YEAR = {2021},
         MONTH = {dec},
           URL = {},
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