Semiclassical analysis of quantum asymptotic fields in the Yukawa theory (bibtex)
by Ammari, Zied, Falconi, Marco and Olivieri, Marco
Semiclassical analysis of quantum asymptotic fields in the Yukawa theory (Ammari, Zied, Falconi, Marco and Olivieri, Marco), In J. Differential Equations, volume 357, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
@article {10.1016/j.jde.2023.01.037,
    AUTHOR = {Ammari, Zied and Falconi, Marco and Olivieri, Marco},
     TITLE = {Semiclassical analysis of quantum asymptotic fields 
              in the {Y}ukawa theory},
   JOURNAL = {J. Differential Equations},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Differential Equations},
    VOLUME = {357},
      YEAR = {2023},
     MONTH = {jun},
     PAGES = {236--274},
      ISSN = {0022-0396},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.jde.2023.01.037},
       URL = {https://10.1016/j.jde.2023.01.037},
     PPURL = {},
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