The optical helicity in a more algebraic approach to electromagnetism (bibtex)
by Fernandez-Corbaton, Ivan
The optical helicity in a more algebraic approach to electromagnetism (Fernandez-Corbaton, Ivan), In Photoniques, volume 113, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@article {10.1051/photon/202111354,
    AUTHOR = {Fernandez-Corbaton, Ivan},
     TITLE = {The optical helicity in a more algebraic approach to electromagnetism},
   JOURNAL = {Photoniques},
  FJOURNAL = {Photoniques: light and applications},
    VOLUME = {113},
      YEAR = {2022},
     MONTH = {may},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {54--58},
      ISSN = {1629-4475},
       DOI = {10.1051/photon/202111354},
       URL = {},
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