Existence and stability of soliton-based frequency combs in the Lugiato–Lefever equation (bibtex)
by Bengel, Lukas and de Rijk, Börn
Existence and stability of soliton-based frequency combs in the Lugiato–Lefever equation (Bengel, Lukas and de Rijk, Börn), Technical report 2025/4, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2025.
Bibtex Entry:
@techreport {10.5445/IR/1000178734,
       AUTHOR = {Bengel, Lukas and de Rijk, B\"{o}rn},
        TITLE = {Existence and stability of soliton-based frequency 
                 combs in the {L}ugiato--{L}efever equation},
         YEAR = {2025},
        MONTH = {feb},
  INSTITUTION = {Karlsruhe Institute of Technology},
         TYPE = {CRC 1173 Preprint},
         ISSN = {2365-662X},
       NUMBER = {2025/4},
          DOI = {10.5445/IR/1000178734},
          URL = {https://www.waves.kit.edu/downloads/CRC1173_Preprint_2025-4.pdf},
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